You're in the right place to find everything there is to know about
Dr. Dove...plus a few things you didn't know!
From Compton High School, to Harvard University, to the White House!
From the White House to Beijing...to Egypt...and BEYOND!
10 Things You Didn't Know About

As a child, he rode the segregated street car home, from North Dallas Catholic School for the Colored; decided to remove the "Whites Only" sign posted blantantly in his face...and "escaped" soon after, to Watts-Willowbrook, California, where rumor had it, there would be no discrimination.

Was a trainied dancer and joined a Mamba dance troup, accompanying the Damaso Perez Prado band; returned with them to Havana, at the threshold of the Cuban Revolution, whereupon he met Che Guevara and Los Hermanos Castros…Fidel y Raul.

Served as President of the Black Student Union at Harvard University.

Spent three years at Chino prison as parole agent, and three more on the streets in Watts and East L.A. as Parole Office; for all six years…he worked in the CA State penitentiary, and as a parole officer in Watts, CA.

A CORE Junior Member at the time, he followed Dr. King down South as a Freedom Fighter, registering voters in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Harvard University
1967 - 1971
Charles R. Drew University of
Medicine & Science
1962 - 1966
Compton High School
1957 - 1961
More Things You Didn't Know About

As a Korean War Army Veteran, Dr. Dove knows how to shoot a Bazooka. NOTE: the additional tidbit of amusing trivia...he arrived Korea the day the war ended.

He transformed his Civil Rights Specialist job into the mainstream, as a Sr. Budget Examiner…where he participated in creating the Office of Minority Business, nationwide.

When the majority of his friends were failing the standard IQ tests facilitated by "post-riot" Employment Offices, he wrote a reverse-biased test which Black people passed, and White people failed...drawing the attention of then Governor, Pat Brown.

After shifting career focus to Washington DC in 1966, Dr. Dove invented the Philadelphia Job Plan for Minority Employment, which got him recognized and transferred to the EXOP White House, as Civil Rights Specialist.

Did all of the above before the age of 60.